Our Inspiring Forum: You are not alone!
This is a welcoming, supportive and safe space, free of judgment, and open to all who’ve been touched by breast cancer. Connect, share, learn, or just read; there is no right or wrong way to be a part of this place. Our moderator, Emily Piercell, is also a breast cancer survivor will keep an eye on things. She is available for help or a listening ear, but our members do most of the heavy lifting to keep things welcoming and civil. We want everyone to be part of our community and have their voice heard.
This is a community mostly run by its members, so please keep that in mind as you find your way around breastcancersurvivorship.net, our team and Dr. Alkhaifi don't endorse or take responsibility for the content you’ll find on the discussion forums. Please read carefully our rules and guidelines before posting. If you see anything here you need clarity on, please let the moderator know by emailing support@breastcancersurvivorship.net.
Forum Rules and Guidelines :
This is a community for and by people who have been affected by breast cancer in some way, either personally or as caregivers of a loved one. This one is really important; we want our members to feel comfortable posting and sharing here, and knowing that the people they’re talking to “get it" goes a long way towards making that happen.
Introduce yourself. Say hello! Introduce yourself. Share as much or as little of your story as you’re comfortable with, but please let us know you’re here. That first step can be the hardest for some people, so better to jump right in.
We’re all here for you. Here’s the thing about this community: You will meet someone from every walk of life here because cancer doesn’t discriminate. We celebrate and respect all of our members and their differences in race, religion, sexual orientation, and political beliefs, and we expect all members to do the same. You don’t have to like someone, but, to be here, you have to respect them.
If you have a study, event, or project you think would benefit the Community in some way, please contact us before posting about it on the boards by emailing support@breastcancersurvivorship.net.
The boards are public, so anyone can read what’s posted there. If you don’t want your personal information available to anyone who happens to be reading, don’t post it. Make up a cool username; don’t use your real name. Don’t post phone numbers, email addresses, or anything else you want to keep private. The level of anonymity you choose to operate under is up to you, but for your safety and the safety of the rest of the community, we suggest erring on the side of caution.
Be nice! You don’t have to like everyone, but this bears repeating: You do need to respect everyone. No name calling, no harassment, no personal attacks against other members.
We take a zero-tolerance stance on bullying and abusive behaviour to any member, moderator or administrator, and if we see it or someone reports it, you will be removed from the community very quickly. The administrators and moderators also have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see necessary, without prior warning. Further actions may be taken if required.
No judgments, please. Everyone is just trying to do what is best in THEIR particular situation. Nothing nice or supportive to say? Move on without saying anything.
Spam / Advertising / Self-promote in the forums This forum defines spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums etc. Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users. If you want to share anything you think it might be helpful, please contact us by emailing support@breastcancersurvivorship.net.
We want to hear what you think, so please, post your own ideas and thoughts. If you share something that doesn’t belong to you, make sure to cite your source. This is especially important when it comes to medical or health information.